Fire chief issues firepit warning

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Fire chief issues firepit warning



The StarPhoenix May 09, 2008


Saskatoon's fire chief is warning homeowners to keep their backyard fires under control and in compliance with the city's bylaw.


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More information on clean air


Open-air fires in Saskatoon are subject to six conditions:


1) Fires must be contained within a non-combustible receptacle constructed of cement, brick or metal and must be covered with a heavy gauge metal screen.


2) The fire box must not exceed 0.61 cubic metres


3) Only cut seasoned wood or charcoal is to be burned.


4) All fires must be supervised.


5) Fires should not be lit when weather conditions could create a running fire or could cause smoke to be a nuisance to another person.


6) Fires are to be extinguished immediately if they are causing "an unreasonable interference with the use and enjoyment of another person's property."

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