Asthma Vaccine Research

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Asthma vaccine 'in years' with kid tests

By David King,The Australian
June 29, 2004

THE asthma epidemic could be stopped in its tracks if child sufferers were treated with a new generation of anti-inflammatory drugs.

A team of Australian and international experts believe an asthma vaccine could be a reality within a few years if drug companies tested the new treatments on children.

The research team found most adult asthma was caused by inflammation of the airways - brought on by exposure to common allergens such as dust mites and pollen - in early childhood years.

Report co-authors Peter Sly and Pat Holt, from the Perth-based Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, headed by former Australian of the Year Fiona Stanley, said protecting children's lungs with new "allergy antagonist" drugs could prevent asthma from developing in adult life.

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Page Last Updated: 28/03/2018