July 4th, 2008
City of Ottawa Public Health celebrates first Smoke-Free Day at a Canadian exhibition
News Release, August 25, 2007
OTTAWA - For the first time, a major Canadian fair and exhibition declared their grounds smoke-free for an entire day. SuperEX, in partnership with Ottawa Public Health, celebrated this achievement today at Lansdowne Park.
The youth members of Ottawa Public Health's exposé program actively campaigned this summer for family-friendly outdoor spaces, such as beaches, parks and fairs, to go smoke-free. Their partnership with SuperEX illustrates that Canadians are aware of the dangers of second-hand smoke and want outdoor smoke-free options.
"There is no safe level of exposure to second-hand smoke," explains Dr. Isra Levy, Associate Medical Officer of Health, Ottawa Public Health. "It is especially dangerous to children and adults who suffer from chronic illnesses such as asthma, as even a small amount of exposure can aggravate their condition."
Dr. Levy was joined by the Chair of the Community and Protective Services Committee, Councillor Diane Deans, to officially launch the first smoke-free day at the SuperEX.
"I am honoured to be part of a day promoting a smoke-free and healthy lifestyle to our residents," says Councillor Deans. "I hope this one day at the SuperEX will set an example to all fairs and exhibitions across Canada to be smoke-free; not only for one day but for the duration."
The Executive Director of the Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitions, Hannah Service, expressed her support on this initiative.
"On behalf of our national membership, I am proud to announce that today's smoke-free day at SuperEX is a first for Canada," exclaimed Service. "The Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitions strongly supports initiatives that help maintain a safe, healthy and family friendly environments. We look forward to future partnerships that help promote a healthy future for all Canadians.
Youth from the exposé group are promoting smoke-free environments in family- friendly outdoor spaces for many reasons. When children see adults using tobacco products on beaches, in parks and at places like SuperEX, it can lead them to try cigarettes or other tobacco related products in the future. Tobacco industry products kill more than 50 per cent of long-term users, and the best way to quit is not to start.
More information on smoking