July 9th, 2008
Smoking Speeds Up Memory Loss in Old Age
By Alison McCook
March 22, 2004
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Elderly people who smoke show a five-fold faster rate of age-related mental decline than people who never smoked, according to new study findings released Monday.
Among former smokers, mental decline occurred around twice as fast as in those who said they never smoked.
A. Ott, K. Andersen, M. E. Dewey, L. Letenneur, C. Brayne, J. R.M. Copeland, J.-F. Dartigues, P. Kragh–Sorensen, A. Lobo, J. M. Martinez–Lage, T. Stijnen, A. Hofman, and L. J. Launer
Effect of smoking on global cognitive function in nondemented elderly
Neurology 2004 62: 920-924.