Public Service Announcement - Regina Office Closure

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Saskatoon, June 1 – The Lung Association, Saskatchewan will be closing its singleton office in Regina, located at 106 – 438 Victoria Avenue East, on Friday, June 30.  “This is a fiscally responsible and prudent decision to ensure that donor dollars are being directed to mission priorities and improving lung health one breath at a time in Saskatchewan,” says Susan Cron, President & CEO of The Lung Association, Saskatchewan.”

Our full services to address the respiratory needs of the residents of Saskatchewan will continue to be met through The Lung Association, Saskatchewan’s provincial office in Saskatoon, the location of our helpful staff team and Pulmonary Function Lab.  We are Saskatchewan’s best choice for healthy lungs for everyone, please visit our website at to see all the educational resources available and if we can help you or a loved one breathe easier, please call 1-888-566-LUNG (5864).

Through our community partner, RANA Respiratory Care Group, radon test kits will still be available for purchase between 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday at their 106 – 438 Victoria Avenue East location.

About The Lung Association

Breathe. It’s what unites us. It’s what inspires us. And it’s what keeps us pushing ahead— whether it’s searching for cures to lung diseases, teaching our children about the dangers of tobacco, or fighting for clean air. The Canadian Lung Association is the leading organization in Canada working to promote lung health and prevent and manage lung disease. We do this by funding vital research, pushing for improved treatments, going to bat for smarter policies, and helping patients manage their health.

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Susan Cron, President & CEO
The Lung Association, Saskatchewan
Phone: (306) 667-3001 or 1-888-566-LUNG (5864)

Page Last Updated: 26/05/2017