February 1st, 2018
The SAIL Respiratory Equipment Program policy for the CPAP benefit has been updated to reflect recent program changes (implementation of a program fee on Oct. 1, 2017) and revised program eligibility criteria. This revised policy is effective February 1, 2018.
Program Highlights
After consultation with Sleep Specialists in Saskatoon and Regina, the Ministry updated program eligibility criteria to align with most jurisdictions in Canada and reflect current standards of care.
Specifically, patients must:
- have a level 1 or 3 sleep test completed in Saskatchewan that has been reviewed by a Sleep Specialist with privileges at a Saskatchewan Sleep Disorder Centre; and,
- be diagnosed with moderate to severe sleep apnea; or,
- be diagnosed with symptomatic mild sleep apnea in a high-risk occupation (requisitioning limited to Saskatchewan Sleep Specialists only).
Previously, the only requirement was that CPAP should be requisitioned by a Saskatchewan respirologist.
Sleep Specialists with privileges at a Saskatchewan Sleep Disorder Centre are:
- Dr. J. Dosman - Saskatoon
- Dr. M. Fenton - Saskatoon
- Dr. J. Gjevre - Saskatoon
- Dr. R. Hafezi - Saskatoon
- Dr. P. Patel - Regina
- Dr. R. Skomro - Saskatoon
- Dr. G. Sridhar - Regina
Patients who have previously been prescribed CPAP under existing policy are not required to be re-tested under the new criteria.
Policy Website - Respiratory Equipment Jan 2018- SO.pdf
Updates to the CPAP benefit to reflect recent program changes (implementation of a program fee on Oct. 1, 2017) and revised program eligibility criteria. Effective February 1st, 2018.

Policy Website - Respiratory Equipment Jan 2018- SO.pdf
Updates to the CPAP benefit to reflect recent program changes (implementation of a program fee on Oct. 1, 2017) and revised program eligibility criteria. Effective February 1st, 2018.

This information was received to The Lung Association by:
Sonja Orban, MPA
Government of Saskatchewan
Senior Policy Analyst, Drug Plan and Extended Benefits Branch
Ministry of Health