The benefits of a good night sleep

Stephen McLeod, Director of Facilities, College of Arts & Science, University of Saskatchewan.

After my son, Kenny was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea in 2015, I started wondering if I also had Sleep Apnea. I asked my doctor for a referral for testing in early 2017 and after two overnight tests and a week-long monitored Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Machine (CPAP) test, all provided by Prairie Oxygen here in Saskatoon, I was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea and I have been using the CPAP every night since. I feel so much better now that I am getting a good night's sleep.

I participated in the First Saskatoon Great Canadian Sleepwalk, October 13th, 2017 because I know how important a good night’s sleep is for your overall health and well-being!

A big thank you to Prairie Oxygen, The Lung Association, Saskatchewan, and the Canadian Sleep Society for their support of the Great Canadian Sleepwalk and education around Sleep Apnea!

Page Last Updated: 02/11/2017